Holly Phillips


Holly Phillips is the award-winning author of the story collection In the Palace of Repose (Prime Books, 2005) as well as two dark fantasy novels. She has had almost a dozen short stories chosen for reprint in Year's Best volumes, as well as multiple World Fantasy Award and International Horror Guild nominations. She lives and writes in Victoria, BC


Thursday Nov. 24, 2:30-3:30pm
Nipissing University, Room A252


Thursday Nov. 24, 5:00-6:30pm
Harris Learning Library, Room L216

Cost: Free

A Conversation With Holly Phillips

Interview Questions

Please select a link below to view the interview question.

Why did you choose this piece to read?

Has this particular work, or author influenced your own writing? If so, how?

At what time in your life did you come across this author, or this work, and how did it effect you then? Is it different from how it effects you now?

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