Darryl Whetter

Darryl Whetter is a professor of English and creative writing in the Département des etudes anglaises, at Université Sainte-Anne. His short fiction and poetry have appeared in numerous journals including Prairie Fire, The Fiddlehead, and Descant. His most recent novel is The Push & the Pull, published by Goose Lane Editions (2008).

WEBSITE: http://www.darrylwhetter.ca/


Wednesday Feb. 15, 3:30 pm - 4:30 pm
Nipissing University, Room A122

A Conversation With Darryl Whetter

Interview Questions

Please select a link below to view the interview question.

Has this particular work, or author influenced your own writing? If so, how?

At what time in your life did you come across this author, or this work, and how did it effect you then? Is it different from how it effects you now?

What is the meaning you find in this passage and how is it expressed?

What specific elements in this passage are important as a reflection of the work as a whole?

What are you looking for in an audience response?

What is your ideal audience?

Have you ever been surprised by a question?

Is there a particular theme in your work you seem to revisit? (Part I)

Is there a particular theme in your work you seem to revisit? (Part II)

Do you consider yourself a genre writer?

What advice do you have for young writers looking to enter the field?

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